Angelica Horvatic

Worldwide Trauma Recovery Practitioner


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Ljubav, Emocionalne Povrede i Partnerski Odnosi – Radionica u Puli

Pula, Croatia Pula, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

Odnosi su srce i duša našeg osobnog rasta i razvoja. Oni mogu biti teški i bolni, a čine najvažniji dio našeg života. Odnosi su ŽIVOT – mi smo sretni i zadovoljni ukoliko su takvi i naši odnosi! Naš roditeljski dom je mjesto na kojem smo u našem djetinjstvu učili o odnosima i o ljubavi. Ako […]


Healthy Boundaries, Healthy Relationships – Camp Retreat Istria, Croatia

In healthy relationships we are attuned to the other person and we respect, appreciate and understand them. We also need to see, hear and feel them. In order to build such a relationship, it is essential that we communicate with one another, that we build trust and that we treat the other person as a […]

Beautiful Art of Softening Women’s Retreat Bale-Valle Istra

Bale Bale, Istria, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

Nurturing softness for women is one of our most important feminine qualities. When we step into our softness we are opening our doors to love, acceptance, openness and caring. We then can get to feel our full power and strength, and to feel at peace. Our feminine yin energy stands for softness, flow, surrender, patience, […]