Angelica Horvatic

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Weekend Workshop:Conscious Relationships

April 11, 2020 @ 9:00 am - April 12, 2020 @ 6:00 pm UTC+0


Relationships are the heart and soul of our expansion.

They can be hard and painful AND they make the most important part of our life.

They ARE life – we are only ever as happy as our relationships!

The place we have learned about relationships and love in our childhood was our family home.

If we felt safe, supported and connected with our parents or caretakers, that became our definition of love in our adulthood.

If we were abandoned, disconnected, emotionally or physically neglected, isolated or abused, that became our belief about love we operate under.

And although consciously we know love should feel good, loving, caring, open, supportive, trusting – subconsciously we believe love is complete opposite of that, which results in attracting partners who represent those subconscious beliefs of ours.

Dysfunctional relationships in the adulthood are the result of developmental trauma which is the main reason people don’t know how to meet their needs for autonomy and connection.

In order to heal dysfunctional relationships we have to go back to the root cause of developmental trauma, providing the unmet needs for our inner child.


In our two days workshop we will be learning and rediscovering that our relationships can improve when:


1. We develop a healthy sense of self


2. We become aware of our subconscious emotional drives and triggers and make necessary changes


3. We can practice a radical honesty with ourselves and our partner


4. We use the pain in our relationship to define our values, goals, needs and desires


5. We clearly communicate to our partner what we need and want


6. We are able to have compassion and empathy for our partner’s pain, and are able to understand what they are feeling, what their wants and needs are, instead of trying to love them from our own separate perspective


7. We create ways to deeply connect and share the gift of vulnerability with our partner, developing awareness of his or hers subconscious emotional drives and triggers


8. We commit to a healthy, mature, conscious, open and authentic communication, practicing uninterrupted active listening with our partner


This in depth workshop IS about facing your shadow and potentially your light.
It is about You and Your Truth, your inner child, your ego, your past wounds, shadows, insecurities, attachment styles, suppressed emotions, your open heart and your empathy, your challenges within relationships, your thoughts and feelings, values, beliefs and expectations, your healthy and not so healthy patterns of thinking, behaving and communicating to your loved one(s), your listening skills, your love for yourself, your goals, needs and desires within your relationship.

This workshop IS NOT about quick positivity, calm and relaxation, and fixing your partner or other family members.

A raw awareness, courage and willingness to face your shadow side and to be vulnerable and open to challenge your current way of thinking and behaving, whilst letting go of coping mechanisms which kept you safe but unhappy and inauthentic in your life, is required.

What you can expect from this workshop:

A weekend of relationship shifts and transformations – through inner child connection and heart opening, through deep, intense, soulful, mindful and conscious work on your own, in pairs and in the group – a weekend of total cleansing and healing on conscious and unconscious level.

As I am famous for giving Loads of homework – I believe TRUE TRANSFORMATION comes with – THE PRACTICE ( for listening / watching there is always YouTube  )  this workshop is only for those who are ready for some hard WORK!

Who can benefit from this workshop?

Absolutely EVERYONE – couples and singles.

You don’t have to be in a relationship to come to the workshop.

If you are married or in a relationship, you can but don’t have to bring your partner along.



09:00 – 18:00 Workshop ( with the breaks for lunch / coffee )


09:00 – 18:00 Workshop ( with the breaks for lunch / coffee )

Early Bird price is  $195  before 14th of February, 2020

Lazy Bird Price is $265

Venue Location:  Soon to be announced.

This workshop is non-refundable from the date of purchase.

Sounds good, but still not sure?

Email me at [email protected] and I would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Listen to your heart.

Come if this feels like the right thing for you.

Let it be an Absolute Yes!


“Angelica’s workshop was great, and we were speaking about it till next morning! Different from the average therapy approach I’d be used to, I was surprised by the techniques which you shared with us all, allowing us to understand the process, enhance on our own, and keep as a record for future use and development! You showed me that there is a solid system behind your work and made me curious to know more!” ~ Chris

“Angelica keeps it very simple but the work she does is deep and long lasting. Her authenticity opens the space for you to be your true self and to heal what you need to heal. I have witnessed her do weekend workshop with so much love and patience, presence and deep care about the group and every individual. I’ve gain so much in such a short period of time, it was a beautiful and deep rediscovery process. Reconnection with the inner child and connection with others we all need and Angelica is your angel on the road, guiding you by your hand, knowing perfectly when to stop, when to push, when to let go. You can be assure you are safe in her hands. Angelica is loving, adventurous, open and driven to help as much people as possible release their traumas and heavy weight emotions that we are all carrying around. People like her are changing the world for the better and they can help you be a better listener of your soul!” ~ Marina


Angelica Horvatic is experienced mental health practitioner. Beside her formal training and education, being an adult orphan & foster & war survivor herself, gives her a great understanding and passion to help people heal and overcome their childhood traumas.

As someone who has for a long time struggled with many limited beliefs, intimate relationships, weight issues, finding Purpose, and accepting love and abundance in life and have successfully overcome those – Angelica is very passionate helping others to BREAK FREE.

Born and raised in Croatia, last 19 years she has lived and worked in many different countries all over Europe, UK, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Australia and travelled even more extensively.

She has worked with thousands of people from all walks of life and from all over the world. Her mission is to help people picking themselves up and move in direction they want to go in life, feeling less lonely, isolated and alone and more Healthy, Abundant, Loved, Content and Deeply Connected with the people they care about, whilst building healthy, strong, long lasting relationships and being happy and at peace with themselves and others.

”Conquer your mountain!” is her motto – Feel, Be, Have and Do ALL that you always knew you deserve!


Angelica Horvatic


Brisbane, QLD
Australia + Google Map