Online and ON-SITE
Emotional Trauma Healing
All negative circumstances in our life, relationship issues, chronic illnesses, triggers – our strong negative emotions ( grief, hurt, anger, hate, fear, sadness, depression, anxiety, loneliness, etc. ) have something in common – TRAUMA.
Completion Process is a very powerful trauma healing modality which can help with the healing and transforming the pain of chronic illnesses, addictions, depression, anxiety, stress, sadness, loneliness, emptiness, powerlessness, abandonment, not belonging, self-hate, unworthiness, guilt, shame, mood swings, anger, fear, PTSD, trauma, eating disorders, obesity and everything else that causes us pain, resistance, pressure and uneasiness in life.
Only when we feel WHOLE can our life make sense, and our connection with ourselves and others can really blossom
Used Modalities:
- Somatic Based Alternative Trauma Healing
- Alternative Regression Healing
- Intuitive Energy Healing
- Inner Child Work
- Fragmented Parts Integration
- Shadow work
- Mirror work
- Hypnotherapy
- Completion process
- Connection process
- Counselling
- Alternative talk therapy
This extraordinary process will save you years of psychological and emotional struggle. it will teach you to go into your pain fearlessly, instead of running from it, and to find the causes and solutions to everything that keeps you from a fulfilling life.
Alberto Villodo P.H.D. and author
Relationship Counselling

Relationships ( especially romantic ones ) have been a real struggle for me for many decades.
As an adult orphan and foster care survivor who has been emotionally and physically severely neglected and abused in my childhood, I have been recovering from my own PTSD and lack of safety, healing my own abandonment wounds, fear, anxiety and anger issues for the past 20 years, learning to trust, love and stay in a healthy, loving and safe relationship.
So beside my formal education, training and experience, I truly feel this type of work is my soul calling, my life purpose and my life mission. As I can very well understand from my personal resume ( my childhood ) those dark and painful places, the human wound.
I have been helping singles and couples with their relationships and / or marital struggles since 2009.
I am in a committed relationship with my partner since 2021. Beside immense learning in my relationship I enjoy very much being a stepmother for the first time as well.
Used Modalities:
- Somatic Based Alternative Trauma Healing
- Alternative Regression Healing
- Intuitive Energy Healing
- Inner Child Work
- Fragmented Parts Integration
- Shadow work
- Mirror work
- Hypnotherapy
- Completion process
- Connection process
- Counselling
- Alternative talk therapy
Individual Counselling
One to one counselling on any of the life topics you struggle with.
Used Modalities:
- Somatic Based Alternative Trauma Healing
- Alternative Regression Healing
- Intuitive Energy Healing
- Inner Child Work
- Fragmented Parts Integration
- Shadow work
- Mirror work
- Hypnotherapy
- Completion process
- Connection process
- Counselling
- Alternative talk therapy
In general, most clients feel at ease, happier, with more peace, clarity, focus and direction after their sessions. People go through some very powerful breakthroughs and they often get very important answers on their why, what and how questions. In our sessions you can expect releasing loads of stored negative emotions, which can often be very overwhelming but also – super liberating.
Angelica’s workshops are tailored for groups of 10 – 30 people. While some workshops are designed as a daily or weekend event, some are organized for the whole week or even longer as a retreat.
Regardless of the workshops’ length, attendees are in for a total life TRANSFORMATION – through deep, intense, mindful, and conscious work.
The workshops are filled with light bulb moments, transformational ideas, loads of learning and fun, group interactions, shadow work, inner child work exercises, somatic movement exercises, regression therapy, eye gazing exercises, guided meditations, and Completion Process practice.
Angelica is famous for giving Loads of homework as she believes TRUE TRANSFORMATION comes with – Practice ( for listening/watching there is always YouTube ) so her workshops are Only for Those who are Ready for some – hard work.
Any other question, is welcome!
Each session normally lasts two hours and we work together once a week or a few times a week, depending on the issue.
Except for talk therapy, emotional trauma integration, counseling, coaching, mentoring, and my guidance, the payment for each session also includes email support between the sessions and tools to take and practice at home – before and after each session. I give quite a bit of homework between the sessions and this is very important to keep in mind before signing up with me – a serious commitment to regular and ongoing, hard work overtime is required. Homework in between each session is as important ( if not even more important ) as our sessions. I compare this often to ‘losing weight’ – even if we daily exercise but continue to eat junk food, we can’t expect our body weight to change much!
This type of healing work works only if momentum is kept for a minimum of six months, working with the practitioner weekly. Once a week is actually a bare minimum to feel ‘the results’ when working with our childhood trauma.
I work only with the clients who are ready and committed to regularly and ongoing attend sessions at least once a week, because from my experience working with trauma less than that has never been working.
Healing of our core wounds isn’t possible to do with infrequent sessions here and there.
After many years of practice and experience in this type of work, I highly believe in regular, frequent and ongoing work with the person we choose, which is crucial so that we could slowly, in the long run, feel those deep, meaningful, powerful and healing results ( peeling the onion layers ).
Once in a while trips into our core wounding, into our developmental trauma, from my personal and work experience do not only not work, but often actually further re-traumatize the person, who gets yet another proof that nothing and no one can help them, that they can’t trust anyone, that there is no resolution, that they are ‘stuck ‘with their problem, wound, pattern, habit, belief, trauma.
One of the main causes of our emotional trauma isn’t only what happened to us when we were very little and very helpless, but also the fact we have repeatedly suffered alone, without anyone’s help, support, recognition, trust and love.
And that is exactly what’s offered to us when we allow and surrender to frequent, ongoing and regular healing with the professional. This component is crucial for our healing.
In my experience, without frequent, regular and ongoing weekly work it is also not possible to build the basic trust and safety, which we need in order to heal and go into those deep subconscious root causes of our trauma, with someone we see online every once in a while.
Our human emotional healing is a continuous lifelong process.
But in general, with the people that I work with ( regularly and ongoing, once, twice, and even three times a week ), I don’t normally need to work for longer than a year to a year and a half.
Sometimes it even takes between six to ten months, which is amazing, as many of my clients have been in traditional ( talk ) therapy for many years beforehand, without feeling much improvement.
I normally ask my new clients to plan at least a year for their healing work, and if their results come sooner, within six months, that’s a bonus.
It always of course depends if how much people have been already working on themselves before seeing me and how ready the soul is – to heal.
Most people often get shocked when they realize the amount of work on their own they did, the materials they’ve read, and the videos they watched over years and decades, are only an overture, proper deep healing, or our core wounds can truly start only when we can feel deep inside of ourselves when we can allow another person to help us to discover, see, hear and feel all the suppressed and denied aspects of ourselves when we can allow our conscious and subconscious beliefs to be challenged.
When the resistance comes in the form of money, as a first homework assignment I usually recommend practicing self-love and saving money for at least the first three months of serious and committed weekly work.
Because if either way we would invest and spend a similar amount of money on our healing in the long term, with infrequent sessions here and there, it’s better to invest it wiser, in the approach which can work for us and our healing.
My “conditions” are to work with people who are READY to heal, who I click with – click for both sides which are equally STRONG – where the person knows and feels they need and want to work with me as it feels the right thing for them – and I feel it/them too J
As this is very much a “FEEL work” where it is mostly ALL about feeling – everything, from bodily sensations, and feelings to emotions ( away from thinking, analyzing, and talking ), I can strongly suggest and recommend working Only with the practitioner for who you FEEL the most it’s the right person for you.
That’s already a great practice for this ‘feel work’, an overture for the session itself 🙂
As this type of work truly is A PROCESS, I am taking new clients on ONLY if they are 100% ready and committed to doing whatever it takes, and for as long as it takes, to feel those changes everyone wants to feel, but not everyone is ready to do The Work.
I give homework between the sessions and this is very important to keep in mind before signing up with me – a serious commitment to a regular and ongoing, hard work over time is required.
For more questions contact me here.
In general, most clients feel at ease, and happier, with more peace, clarity, focus, and direction after their sessions. People go through some very powerful breakthroughs and they often get very important answers to their why, what, and how questions. In our sessions, you can expect to release loads of stored negative emotions, which can often be very overwhelming but also – super liberating. Often, straight after the session, people feel exhausted and drained but super light and positive – they say it’s like lifting heavy baggage off their shoulders or running an ultra marathon.
Online therapy works the same way as when we talk to our family members or friends abroad, we can see and hear them clearly, and we can even ‘feel’ them – we only can’t touch them.
Since 2016, 99.9% of my clients have been working with me online, in the safety and comfort of their own homes, sofa, or bed.
Each session is super powerful, deep, and heavy and goes inside our deepest dark and it’s emotionally and physically draining.
After each session most people feel super sensitive, vulnerable, physically and emotionally exhausted, and are not able to drive or commute by public transport.
Also, most people don’t like or are not capable of engaging with others afterward, they just want to relax in a calm, safe place – their HOME and reflect on their own the integration they just made.
My clients keep their eyes shut throughout the completion process so they follow my voice which is guiding them.
This isn’t face-to-face ‘talking about our past trauma’ – it is diving deep INTO our past trauma.
Clients just need to hear my voice guiding them so they can feel safe and supported, whilst they are doing all the hard work themselves.
It’s somewhat like a baby delivery, I am there to guide but cannot push the baby out – it is always the client who does all the hard work.
In case the internet or devices fails us, before each session I make sure we have all the needed backups. The session is designed to be stopped and interrupted at any time, so interruptions never impact the quality of the trauma integration itself.
As this is work with peoples’ emotions, where the sync between the practitioner and the client is crucial, I recommend you to follow your heart when choosing a practitioner regardless of where they are based and how much they charge. Just go through their profile/site / social media and FEEL who is the person for you.
For a good quality online session – both sides – client and practitioner need to have a strong internet connection, a good device quality ( with the camera ), online applications downloaded, a quiet and safe place where both sides won’t be disturbed, a pair of good headphones and – voila – online therapy session can begin 🙂
As this is work with peoples’ emotions, where the sync between the practitioner and the client is crucial, I always recommend following your HEART or your GUT feel when choosing a practitioner and/or a technique. Most of our clients brag about us not because we are the best but because we are the best for THEM at that moment. I suggest doing your research, choosing the practices and practitioners who MOST resonate with you, and then talking to practitioners and FEEL which one is the best for you. Let your HEART and not your mind make that important decision for you!
Yes. We can have 15 min free online chat before your first session – to see if we click and can work together, to gather more info about the issue(s) you are struggling with and answer on your questions.
The completion Process is a very deep subconscious process of healing emotional trauma, which step by step, combines elements of regression therapy, inner child work, and shadow work. It is an alternative psychotherapy tool that goes to the root cause of our problem/issue/challenge/trigger / physical, mental, or emotional condition/illness / negative emotion / our wound/trauma.
Check my Kind Words page here.