Angelica Horvatic

Worldwide Trauma Recovery Practitioner



Angelica Horvatic

Can You Ever Really Be Content in One Place After Seeing The World?

It’s been three years for me being back to my ‘home country’. That term ‘home country’ after 21 years of being away from the place, to me doesn’t mean much.… Continue reading Can You Ever Really Be Content in One Place After Seeing The World?

Easy Going, Relaxed Man vs Stressed, Controlling Woman

Something that unfortunately very often damages romantic relationships is when a man is in his pasive mode relative to his life and to the woman in his life. Passiveness does… Continue reading Easy Going, Relaxed Man vs Stressed, Controlling Woman

How To Stop Comparing Your Relationship To Everyone Else’s

How to stop comparing your relationship to everyone else’s? 1. Find comfort within When you look to outside relationships to define or validate your own, it can be a sign… Continue reading How To Stop Comparing Your Relationship To Everyone Else’s

Why Social Media Creates Chronic Dysregulation?

Our bodies haven’t evolved to take in this much information. For most human history, we only knew what was happening in our family, in our tribe, in our community, in… Continue reading Why Social Media Creates Chronic Dysregulation?

Middle Life Crisis

I feel I might have skipped my middle life crisis probably all thanks to my super rebellious nature in my 20’s: Leaving home, leaving my home town and soon after… Continue reading Middle Life Crisis

Ghosting – Dysfunctional Relational Pattern ( Emotional Abuse )

Ghosting is a dysfunctional relationship behavior at best, severely emotionally abusive at worst. People who ghost do not know how to handle discomfort. The second that even the potential of… Continue reading Ghosting – Dysfunctional Relational Pattern ( Emotional Abuse )

He Loves You, He Just Doesn’t Know How to Show It

Learning how to show love, express emotions, and understand someone else is An Adult Responsibility. Many people grew up hearing someone loves them but doesn’t know how to show it.… Continue reading He Loves You, He Just Doesn’t Know How to Show It

Reaching Connection Through Attunement

To be able to perceive other people and to feel, see, hear, understand and communicate with them, you need to attune to them. You need to tune in to them… Continue reading Reaching Connection Through Attunement

Stop Saying: I Stay For The Kids

Few people talk about the damage that comes from growing up with parents who stayed together and cannot stand each other. Few people talk about the damage that comes from… Continue reading Stop Saying: I Stay For The Kids

Angelica Horvatic

Shadow Work: Coming Up Against The Human Ego

As much as I love my job, there are some days in my work when I wish I would flip burgers for living, instead of confronting people with their ego,… Continue reading Shadow Work: Coming Up Against The Human Ego

Angelica Horvatic

Being Highly Sensitive To Negative Feedback

Everything feels like an attack and you are exhausted. Many of us believe that Being Imperfect or Making Mistakes is Shameful. This comes from growing up in a home with… Continue reading Being Highly Sensitive To Negative Feedback

Be Careful Not To Lose Your Humanity

Be careful not to lose Empathy for those with whom you disagree. Be careful not to Dehumanize others. Doing so dehumanizes You. Be careful not to say things Online that… Continue reading Be Careful Not To Lose Your Humanity

Traume, Odnosi i Kompatibilnost

Nakon dugo godina ‘skrivanja’ iza pisanja i prevođenja tekstova za divan ATMA portal, evo me konačno opet malo i ispred kamere, nadam se da ćete nešto lijepo i korisno čuti:… Continue reading Traume, Odnosi i Kompatibilnost

Reflections After our Weekend Workshop

Relationships and Trauma – Couples&Singles Weekend Intensive is behind us. I deeply respect and appreciate every group of beautiful people I’ve had the opportunity to work with so far.  But… Continue reading Reflections After our Weekend Workshop

I Am Offended

There comes the point in human life when we got too admit to ourselves we are too old to be having child-like reactions like yelling, shouting, screaming, slamming doors, stomping,… Continue reading I Am Offended

When Therapist Works More Than a Client

When you help people and that’s a part of your mission, the most challenging question is:  How much can you help and how much does a person, a couple, a… Continue reading When Therapist Works More Than a Client

Therapy Just Makes Me Feel Worse

Your Decisions and Actions Must Align with the New Awareness that you gain or you will be even more out of alignment than you were before.  It is easy to… Continue reading Therapy Just Makes Me Feel Worse

Angelica Horvatic

Danger of Parallel Monologues in Communication

Since arriving back to my homeland two years ago, I still struggle engaging into real and meaningful conversations.  To my utter shock and horror, most people over here communicate in (… Continue reading Danger of Parallel Monologues in Communication

Music is The Therapy and The Medicine

I got goose bumps…. I cried. I sang my heart out. I felt fucking angry! I smiled. I felt weak. I felt ON The TOP of The WORLD…!!!! I jumped… Continue reading Music is The Therapy and The Medicine

Leaving 2022 ( and some years before… )

“Last year, when I first met you, you only just arrived from Australia, you were single and lived in rented apartment. A year later, you live in your dream house… Continue reading Leaving 2022 ( and some years before… )

A Very Dangerous Lie About “Happy” Long-Term Couples

How many times have you heard:   “Listen to them, they’ve been together for 10+ years, they’ll tell you the secret to a healthy and successful relationship. If someone knows, they… Continue reading A Very Dangerous Lie About “Happy” Long-Term Couples

Truth vs Illusion

” As people, we have a VERY complicated relationship with the truth.  Very few of us actually WANT it, no matter what we might say to the contrary. Very few… Continue reading Truth vs Illusion

Keys of My House

I am pinching myself in disbelief, holding these two keys in my hand.  My life long dream has come true. I have built a house. I have my HOME. When… Continue reading Keys of My House

Forgiveness by Jeff Brown

FORGIVENESS is not a concept. It’s a process. And, if you choose not to forgive at the end of that process, it doesn’t mean that you are unhealed. It doesn’t… Continue reading Forgiveness by Jeff Brown

Childhood trauma and celebrities

The world is currently following daily live entertainment from the US court between two very traumatised adult-child celebrities who clearly still very much suffer from deep unhealed childhood trauma. It’s… Continue reading Childhood trauma and celebrities

Thank You

I was just complaining how fed up I am with the winter and the cold, when this gorgeously soft and fluffy polar bear toy arrived to my doors. A thank… Continue reading Thank You

Physical Exercise is The Medicine

It’s been about 7 years since I’ve last hit the gym. Gyms have never been my favourite places, even when I was working there as a Personal Trainer over a… Continue reading Physical Exercise is The Medicine

Orphan’s Message On Mother’s Day

It’s Mother’s Day tomorrow. A day which, for some of us, is another painful reminder of a deep and special connection that no one else can have with us but… Continue reading Orphan’s Message On Mother’s Day

Healing Alone Doesn’t Work

  “We are not capable of healing in isolation. We need other people. We are hurt in relationships and we heal in relationships.   Our brain and nervous system are… Continue reading Healing Alone Doesn’t Work

Relationships and Resistance

In one of my couple counselling sessions yesterday one of the partners never showed up.   Hours later, I received an apology from the partner who didn’t show up with… Continue reading Relationships and Resistance

Emotional Intimacy in Relationships

We can DO things with our partners, we can go, travel, see places together, we can chit chat daily about many things, we can be affectionate, have sex, even feel… Continue reading Emotional Intimacy in Relationships

How To Beat Christmas Loneliness

This year more than any year before, even more people will sadly spend Christmas alone.   But long before dreaded 2020, we’ve had a global epidemic happening in most of… Continue reading How To Beat Christmas Loneliness

If You Are Going To Try, Go All The Way – Charles Bukowski

If you’re going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don’t even start. If you’re going to try, go all the way.   This could mean losing girlfriends, wives, relatives,… Continue reading If You Are Going To Try, Go All The Way – Charles Bukowski

Emotional Incest

In one of my sessions today I had a single mum who thought having her 9 years old son next to her in the session is OK as ‘they don’t… Continue reading Emotional Incest

Boundaries – Say NO When You Mean It

I DON’T KNOW.   Do you often hear yourself saying: “I don’t know”? “I can’t tell”? “I am unsure how I am feeling about xyz”? “I am confused”?    … Continue reading Boundaries – Say NO When You Mean It


Today is apparently ‘Are you OK? day’.   It makes me so sad that humans need to have a day to ask one another if they are OK. What has… Continue reading R U OK DAY

Choose Love, Not Fear

A week ago I have decided to go on a four day hiking&camping trip on my own.   The first thing my husband said was: “Alone?” “Are you sure?” “I… Continue reading Choose Love, Not Fear

What’s Your Morning Ritual?

    Moving to my new home in Perth, I recently discovered I haven’t had a ‘stable and permanent’ home for almost four years.   It’s been a beautiful, super… Continue reading What’s Your Morning Ritual?


    “I KNOW.”   How many times have you said this, or heard others repeating?   Yes, I know. I know. I know… I KNOW!   I have said… Continue reading I KNOW

What Do You Feel You Deserve?

If years ago I was told I would be working online with the clients worldwide, and those people would receive help and guidance whilst lying down on their sofas and… Continue reading What Do You Feel You Deserve?

How To Build An Emotional Bond With Your Child

I had a conversation with a single mum whose daughter is 15 years old.   She has separated from her husband just after giving birth to their daughter, has never… Continue reading How To Build An Emotional Bond With Your Child

Angelica’s COVID-19 Survival Tool Kit

ANGELICA’S COVID-19 SURVIVAL TOOL KIT PHYSICAL   Outdoor Exercise ( beach, park, forrest, mountain, street etc. ):   Running Jogging ( Brisk ) Walking Hill walking Swimming Biking Rollerblading Skateboarding… Continue reading Angelica’s COVID-19 Survival Tool Kit

Paradigm Shift

It’s my birthday today. In this coronavirus worldwide madness, my ‘special day’ doesn’t mean much, even to me.   I feel blessed to be alive and well.   Although just… Continue reading Paradigm Shift

Is Verbal Abuse Ever OK?

My husband and me have recently agreed we won’t shout, raise our voices at each other nor use any profanity in our marriage.   We have made a decision to… Continue reading Is Verbal Abuse Ever OK?

Being An Immigrant

This sculpture resonates deeply with me:     It’s been 20 years for me living abroad.   These two decades were filled with fun and adventures, developing new skills, learning… Continue reading Being An Immigrant

Why Are We Shamed For Having ‘High Expectations’?

Today I felt stuck with my ‘high expectations’.   I do understand how at times it can be easier to have lower expectations but I can’t seem to lower mine.… Continue reading Why Are We Shamed For Having ‘High Expectations’?

Happy New Year

My dearest soul family,   At the end of another year, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for having you in my life.   THANK YOU so much… Continue reading Happy New Year

It’s Easy For You

My life used to be full of struggle, loss, pain and loneliness. Most nights in my childhood I have fallen asleep in tears.   I suffered enormously with anxiety, social… Continue reading It’s Easy For You

No One Cares About You

Talking with my husband about social anxiety, it dawned on me – if more people in this world would more often hear these three words: No One Cares – there… Continue reading No One Cares About You

Feeling Free Under the Veil

I just remembered how whilst living in the Middle East, I liked the occasional experience of wearing a local women’s wear.     While at first it felt weird being… Continue reading Feeling Free Under the Veil

Surviving A Car Crush

Last weekend I have experienced something very close to a near death experience.   My husband and I survived 110 km/h car crash on the highway and both walked away… Continue reading Surviving A Car Crush

Death, Loss And Grieving

A powerful session with a client whose mother passed away brought loads of stuff about death and grieving for me.   Yesterday, for the first time in my life, I… Continue reading Death, Loss And Grieving

Explore Your Core Values – Tap Into Your Inner Potential

Our ( core ) values define who We Are. They make our inner POTENTIAL.   Our values don’t change much since our childhood, but we learn to suppress and deny… Continue reading Explore Your Core Values – Tap Into Your Inner Potential

Make A Use Of Your Physical Body

It’s getting cold, windy and rainy in our wintery Southern Hemisphere so this morning I opted to work out at home with my good old buddy TRX💪     Back… Continue reading Make A Use Of Your Physical Body

Settling In A New Place

Back home in Australia.     Still feels surreal when I hear myself saying it.   This magical far away continent is my home now.   For anyone who is… Continue reading Settling In A New Place

Is Being Married A Sign Of Success?

Why is getting married seen as a sign of our Success?     Since a public announcement of my wedding, I have received tons of beautiful loving congratulations messages.  … Continue reading Is Being Married A Sign Of Success?


I was shocked on my trip to Europe to find out I was, for last few months, starved for a physical interaction with my loved ones.   Moving all the… Continue reading Loneliness

Conscious Relationships by Sean Christopher

We are approaching a period of time when relationships are ready to go through a major redesign. The current paradigm isn’t working. People are unsatisfied in love; people don’t know… Continue reading Conscious Relationships by Sean Christopher


Helping people around the world with their most important life investments for almost two decades now I kept hearing how that takes too much money and / or time.  … Continue reading Invest In YOURSELF

No One And Nothing Can Help Me

Too often, too many people get disappointed and even depressed, trying out different therapy, healing, counselling, coaching and other healing tools and modalities but feeling like ‘Nothing ever works’ for… Continue reading No One And Nothing Can Help Me

Christmas – The Most Depressing Holiday Of The Year

“Woohoo, can you believe it, Christmas is coming!?!”   “What are you doing for Christmas?”   “I am going home to visit my folks, and you?”   …….It’s been well… Continue reading Christmas – The Most Depressing Holiday Of The Year

How ‘Follow Your Joy’ ALWAYS Works

Reading a blog post this morning about how following your joy doesn’t always work, inspired me to write my own one – how it DOES work. Love when I get… Continue reading How ‘Follow Your Joy’ ALWAYS Works

Shadow Work Or Vipassana Meditation?

I was inspired to write this post after watching a short video of a young man who shared his experience of 10 days of vipassana meditation. Don’t get me wrong,… Continue reading Shadow Work Or Vipassana Meditation?

Meditation – The Greatest Escape Disease Of Our Time

Meditation has become the greatest escape disease of our time. How many of you have tried connecting with people who religiously meditate, and felt it would be easier to emotionally… Continue reading Meditation – The Greatest Escape Disease Of Our Time

Anger, Women, and Love

“…..I felt a strong sensation in my belly connected with shame. I had made the expression of volatile & wild emotions so unacceptable that I was struggling with my own… Continue reading Anger, Women, and Love

‘I Can’t Remember My Childhood’

  For everyone who is experiencing pain in their everyday life and cannot remember their childhood – please know you Don’t need to Consciously Remember anything in order to HEAL and… Continue reading ‘I Can’t Remember My Childhood’

The Beauty Of Perseverance

I’ve just had AN AMAZING lesson from a client of mine on PERSEVERANCE.   Just to be able to get in touch with me and successfully go through our online… Continue reading The Beauty Of Perseverance

Dare To Be HUMAN

Dare to be Brave. Dare to be Authentic. Dare to Feel, Embrace and Release All of your Emotions. Dare to be HUMAN.

You Are An Abundance

I had an amazing consultation session with a beautiful man in a need of emotional healing who can’t afford my fees. We have both felt a strong click – we… Continue reading You Are An Abundance

GoodBye 2017 and – THANK YOU!

Exactly two years ago today I was violently sick. I have spent Christmas and New Year at home in my bed, feeling sorry for myself. That was also a period… Continue reading GoodBye 2017 and – THANK YOU!

How To Gain Freedom From Our Obsession With Possessions

  A serious human disease – An Obsession with our Possessions 😛   When two years ago I decided to sell and get rid of Everything in a comfortable vila… Continue reading How To Gain Freedom From Our Obsession With Possessions

What’s Your Experience of Life?

  Having a wisdom moment this morning 🤓: Life is a combo of CHOICES we make on our journey, COURAGE and PERSEVERANCE to follow our gut no matter what, and… Continue reading What’s Your Experience of Life?

What is Shadow Work?

“All it takes is a beautiful fake smile to hide an injured soul and they will never notice how broken you really are. “( Robin Williams )     When,… Continue reading What is Shadow Work?

What is Trauma and How Can We Heal It?

In Wikipedia we can read: “ In psychology, TRAUMA is a type of damage to the psyche that occurs as a result of a severely distressing event. “   Trauma is… Continue reading What is Trauma and How Can We Heal It?

What’s Your Biggest Gift?

It took me 30+ years to be able to understand this quote and LIVE it. For many years I have struggled with the low self-esteem, weight gain, extreme physical and… Continue reading What’s Your Biggest Gift?

Why Are You Keeping Yourself Small?

A breakfast conversation this morning with one of the friends I met in the retreat I am staying at, made me really sad. And angry. This beautiful woman who is… Continue reading Why Are You Keeping Yourself Small?

Inner Child Work

                    As I often get asked what inner child work is, how it works and what are the benefits, I decided… Continue reading Inner Child Work

Depression: You Are NOT Alone

If you are struggling with DEPRESSION, feelings of DESPAIR to the point of considering SUICIDE or you are struggling to resolve ANY other painful emotional cycle, this is a MUST WATCH: Topic I have… Continue reading Depression: You Are NOT Alone

Spiritual Bullshit

Living at the spiritual retreat center is, to say the least, a very interesting spiritual experience. :p Talking to a friend here last night we have both noticed how little… Continue reading Spiritual Bullshit

Letter To My 18 Years Old Self

What would my 18 years old self say seeing me today, I often wonder 😀 A few weeks ago I went to my 20 years high school reunion. TWENTY YEARS!?… Continue reading Letter To My 18 Years Old Self

Get Out Of the War Zone First

I might have ‘mentioned’ this already but after my last session with the client, I feel a need to say it again: Healing yourself – when you are in the… Continue reading Get Out Of the War Zone First

You are NOT “Crazy”

I’m SO glad to see more and more people seeking help with their “mental health”. The bullies ( those “without a problem” ) are NOT so cool anymore as we’re… Continue reading You are NOT “Crazy”

GoodBye 2016 – and THANK YOU!

2016. has, by far, been the most Interesting Year for me in last 18 years. A year of beautiful big highs and deep dark lows, with loads of severe thunderstorms… Continue reading GoodBye 2016 – and THANK YOU!

Life is a One Big Sabbatical

After 2.5 months of feeling right at home on Pashman, tomorrow morning I will be waving goodbye to this gorgeous island, all the glorious nature and its beautiful people… Don’t… Continue reading Life is a One Big Sabbatical

Is The Silence a Relationship Killer?

While SILENCE can be golden, it is also – a Real Relationship KILLER. Very often silence leads to misunderstandings, resentment, despair, depression… Verbal communication is EXTREMELY important in our daily… Continue reading Is The Silence a Relationship Killer?

THANK YOU letter to MEN

In just a few short months my work with Completion Process ( emotional trauma healing process ) has brought to me many male clients. At least 60% of my private… Continue reading THANK YOU letter to MEN

Understanding The Completion Process

What is Completion Process? I hope you can find your answer in this post! 🙂 It’s so beautiful to wake up and read this ‘short’ feedback on the work I… Continue reading Understanding The Completion Process

I Say YES!!! To An Open Heart

How amazing is to finally – FEEL – ” back home “, where there is a gorgeous blue sky with all the pretty colours and clouds, and most beautiful greenery,… Continue reading I Say YES!!! To An Open Heart

Trust Your Heart

This post is for all my UAE friends who feel stuck in golden prison there and are afraid to leave – to hopefully give them strength, power and encouragement –… Continue reading Trust Your Heart

What Do You Need Now?

When did you last ask yourself : ‘What do I need? What in this moment I need the most?’ When did you last let yourself and your loved ones –… Continue reading What Do You Need Now?

Completing The Puzzle….

After too many weeks on my sabbatical journey around the world, my little soul is finally at home catching up on some well needed rest. It’s time for some writing… Continue reading Completing The Puzzle….

Our human emotional healing is a continuous life long process.

A proper deep healing or our core wounds can truly start only when we are able to feel deep inside of ourselves, when we can allow another person to help us to discover, see, hear and feel all the suppressed and denied aspects of ourselves, when we can allow our conscious and subconscious beliefs to be challenged

One of the main causes of our emotional trauma isn’t only what happened to us when we were very little and very helpless, but also the fact we have repeatedly suffered alone, without anyone’s help, support, recognition, trust and love.