Angelica Horvatic

GoodBye 2016 – and THANK YOU!

2016. has, by far, been the most Interesting Year for me in last 18 years.

A year of beautiful big highs and deep dark lows, with loads of severe thunderstorms and lightning followed by a swirly blue skies and fluffy white clouds… 🙂

Most of the year felt like being on a constant emotional roller coaster.

I started the year feeling sick and tired of myself and others, of my work and of the place I have lived for over a decade.

I have had ENOUGH. I needed a Break.

I had this huge urge to leave Everything behind and to relocate.

Where – I had no idea…

What will I do for work – I didn’t know…

All I knew was that I wanted to change EVERYTHING in my life.

It was the time for a brand new chapter in my life.

And so I have slowly started packing, selling most of my possessions and saying goodbye to Dubai.

For me, Dubai was the place where from a little lost girl I have managed to turn into a proper little lady with a focus, ambitions and passions.

Dubai became my surreal sunny bubble world where truly everything was possible.

Working HOLIDAY is how I would describe my life there.



Dubai was the city where I have dealt with most of my deepest limiting beliefs about the money and abundance.

There I was, for the first time in my life, wining and dining at Michelin restaurants – for no special occasions, stayed at world’s most luxurious 5 star hotels and resorts – over the weekends, drove the most expensive cars, wore super expensive clothes, bathed in chocolate, had a regular massages, manicures, pedicures, etc. – just to ‘pamper myself’, lived in the villa with the  garden, had gardeners and cleaners, travelled first and business class with the most luxurious airlines to the most exotic locations all around the world…

Dubai was also the place where I have started regularly exploring All Sorts of outdoor adventures – from skydiving and paragliding to dune-bashing, hiking, rock climbing, canyoning, mountain biking, trail running, sand biking, sand boarding, camping, dragon boating, kayaking, surfing, wakeboarding, sailing, windsurfing, paddleboarding, snorkeling, diving, speedboating, deep sea fishing, archery, shooting, snowboarding in the mall, horse and camel riding, crazy and wild water parks adventures, where I have ran my first marathons and competed in some mad adventure races…

Good_bye_2   Good_bye_3

In 11 years in Dubai I have experienced what most people DREAM about most of their life.

As I am writing all this, I am becoming aware how “normal“ that was for me back then – all that was just a part of a regular Dubai lifestyle – nothing more than that.

As the years went on, I started spending most of my free time outdoors with like minded people.

I appreciated 5 star hotels very much but I found myself to be the most content with my mates around the camping fire, after our outdoor ventures, watching the stars over the desert, mountains and the ocean.

I have started connecting deeper with the nature, with myself…

Many of my good friends have left Dubai, got married, some  became parents…

Instead of finding new friends I have started spending more time alone, occasionally hanging out with my old friends on Skype… :p


When, at the end of last year, my inner voice whispered “it’s time to leave”, I have tried ignoring it for a while… But the whisper turned into a SCREAM.

It was time for me to seriously look at my life in Dubai and what actually keeps me there.

I came, I saw, I conquered and – now it was time to leave.

I’ve started getting “messages” to move to Barcelona, so I decided to go and check it out once I move out of Dubai.

After some very lonely, miserable, cold and rainy weeks in Spain, I decided to fly out to Japan ( as you do?! :D)

Japan was a beautiful and an amazing spring experience for me – totally out of this world…


And not just because of a huge culture difference and a really spectacular cherry blossoms, but also because – I’ve spent the most wonderful ten days there with the man I was madly in loooove with …. 🙂

Destiny wanted me to meet a very special man in Dubai – just as I have decided to leave.

So I have spent my last couple of months in Dubai falling head over heels in love and enjoying every single minute of the most beautiful romance I have experienced in my life.

Unfortunately time and the place wasn’t on our side – and this fairytale, full of An Amazing Learnings, deep emotional soul connections and true love moments – didn’t get a happy ending.

While I have cried rivers over past months, trying to let go of ‘my soulmate’, I was at the same time very aware of how blessed I was to experience something that STRONG and DEEP, something that most people watch only in the most beautiful romantic movies… 🙂

My 2016. love experience taught me I can be Myself in a relationship…

And to WAIT for the partner who is ready and wants the relationship, who is on the same page as me regarding the future goals, partner who is emotionally mature and available, a partner who is peaceful, loving, nurturing, soft, kind, gentle, deep and spiritual….

As those kind of men ARE around and are SO worth waiting for!

Except a huge transformation in the love department, this year I have also changed my job.

For a long time I have been searching for more depth in my work and I have finally found it at the end of last year, with a little help of  Teal Swan 🙂


I was lucky enough to be hand picked and trained in Berlin by this amazing woman in May this year and to work online since, with the people from all around the world.

Working with the clients now I am using Completion Process, a super powerful tool Teal has created to cope with the immense amount of trauma she went through in her childhood and which has already helped millions of people worldwide.

After getting totally exhausted with my spring travels between Middle East, Europe and Far East, I have decided to spend summer at one place, at the Harmony Retreat  in a beautiful tiny village on one of Croatian islands.

That turned to be a Great decision – I was finally able to recharge my batteries and reconnect with myself.

I have also met some really amazing people and made many new friends.

I have laughed and cried, played, danced, I have worked on myself and helped people to heal…

I was also connecting again with the beautiful nature from my homeland which I have missed so much.

This summer was the longest time I have stayed in my home country in 16 years.

And… I have started noticing – Every Little Thing – which I haven’t seen, heard, smelled, touched or tasted in those years.

I felt like I have been blind and deaf all those years, and that I missed – LIFE – being away from all those beautiful colours, sounds, smells of Mediterranean.


I have started feeling ALIVE and AT PEACE again.

In my heart I felt my sabbatical search for my home was  over…

However when Harmony retreat  closed its doors and everyone left, I realized I didn’t want to live alone on the island.

Being physically surrounded by people day and night for three months was a new and super nurturing experience for me, which made me realise how lonely I have actually been for many years in those big cities…

So in September my heart has chosen Belgrade, a Serbian capitol as my New Home.

That mad decision 😀 was never a part of any of my ‘big future plans’ and yet I have done it – I am writing you this blog post from my cosy Belgrade home on Danube river 🙂

Why Belgrade?!?

Because Belgrade feels like HOME to me.


Because Belgrade is a rare capitol city in the world where people actually make time to connect and care about each other, where, at any time, you can ring on the neighbour’s door for help.

Where if you ask a total stranger for a direction you might get an invitation to their family dinner straight after. 😀

Where sense for humour is a common genetic trait.

Where you can be alone only if you don’t answer your phone and don’t get out of your house – and even then you can expect a friend at your doors, just to check if you are ok.

A capitol city where you can never feel lonely or that you don’t belong…

Because Belgrade is the place where people might not have much money but they got a Big warm Hearts and an Amazing Souls…!!! ?


With the year’s end I have reminded myself of my core desired feelings for 2016. :



3. Feeling CONNECTED

4. Feeling PEACE, LOVE and JOY


I am super happy to look back as I have been truly and deeply feeling – All of it – this year 🙂


In 2017. I would like to feel soft, kind, gentle, nurturing, supportive, genuine, loving and accepting.


What are YOUR core desired feelings and soulful intentions for 2017?


I am wishing you all a magical Christmas and a beautiful New Year!

Happyyy Holiiiidaaayys Everyone!!! ?


Conquer your mountain! 🙂