Angelica Horvatic

Worldwide Trauma Recovery Practitioner

What Do You Feel You Deserve?

If years ago I was told I would be working online with the clients worldwide, and those people would receive help and guidance whilst lying down on their sofas and… Continue reading What Do You Feel You Deserve?


Helping people around the world with their most important life investments for almost two decades now I kept hearing how that takes too much money and / or time.  … Continue reading Invest In YOURSELF

How ‘Follow Your Joy’ ALWAYS Works

Reading a blog post this morning about how following your joy doesn’t always work, inspired me to write my own one – how it DOES work. Love when I get… Continue reading How ‘Follow Your Joy’ ALWAYS Works

The Beauty Of Perseverance

I’ve just had AN AMAZING lesson from a client of mine on PERSEVERANCE.   Just to be able to get in touch with me and successfully go through our online… Continue reading The Beauty Of Perseverance

You Are An Abundance

I had an amazing consultation session with a beautiful man in a need of emotional healing who can’t afford my fees. We have both felt a strong click – we… Continue reading You Are An Abundance