Angelica Horvatic

Worldwide Trauma Recovery Practitioner

Reflections After our Weekend Workshop

Angelica Horvatic

Relationships and Trauma – Couples&Singles Weekend Intensive is behind us. I deeply respect and appreciate every group of beautiful people I’ve had the opportunity to work with so far.  But… Continue reading Reflections After our Weekend Workshop

Weekend Workshop:Conscious Relationships

Weekend Workshop:Conscious Relationships

Weekend Workshop:Conscious Relationships

Relationships are the heart and soul of our expansion. They can be hard and painful AND they make the most important part of our life. They ARE life – we… Continue reading Weekend Workshop:Conscious Relationships

Weekend Workshop:Conscious Relationships

Relationships are the heart and soul of our expansion. They can be hard and painful AND they make the most important part of our life. They ARE life – we… Continue reading Weekend Workshop:Conscious Relationships