Angelica Horvatic

Worldwide Trauma Recovery Practitioner

What Is Complex Trauma And Why It Can’t Be Resolved In One Session

A few years ago, I introduced a type of trauma healing modality known as the Completion process to a client of mine. She was convinced beyond doubt that this was the… Continue reading What Is Complex Trauma And Why It Can’t Be Resolved In One Session

The Beauty Of Perseverance

I’ve just had AN AMAZING lesson from a client of mine on PERSEVERANCE.   Just to be able to get in touch with me and successfully go through our online… Continue reading The Beauty Of Perseverance

Depression: You Are NOT Alone

If you are struggling with DEPRESSION, feelings of DESPAIR to the point of considering SUICIDE or you are struggling to resolve ANY other painful emotional cycle, this is a MUST WATCH: Topic I have… Continue reading Depression: You Are NOT Alone