Angelica Horvatic

Worldwide Trauma Recovery Practitioner

Can You Ever Really Be Content in One Place After Seeing The World?

Angelica Horvatic

It’s been three years for me being back to my ‘home country’. That term ‘home country’ after 21 years of being away from the place, to me doesn’t mean much.… Continue reading Can You Ever Really Be Content in One Place After Seeing The World?

Easy Going, Relaxed Man vs Stressed, Controlling Woman

Angelica Horvatic

Something that unfortunately very often damages romantic relationships is when a man is in his pasive mode relative to his life and to the woman in his life. Passiveness does… Continue reading Easy Going, Relaxed Man vs Stressed, Controlling Woman

How To Stop Comparing Your Relationship To Everyone Else’s

Angelica Horvatic

How to stop comparing your relationship to everyone else’s? 1. Find comfort within When you look to outside relationships to define or validate your own, it can be a sign… Continue reading How To Stop Comparing Your Relationship To Everyone Else’s

Why Social Media Creates Chronic Dysregulation?

Angelica Horvatic

Our bodies haven’t evolved to take in this much information. For most human history, we only knew what was happening in our family, in our tribe, in our community, in… Continue reading Why Social Media Creates Chronic Dysregulation?

Middle Life Crisis

I feel I might have skipped my middle life crisis probably all thanks to my super rebellious nature in my 20’s: Leaving home, leaving my home town and soon after… Continue reading Middle Life Crisis