Angelica Horvatic

Worldwide Trauma Recovery Practitioner

Why Social Media Creates Chronic Dysregulation?

Angelica Horvatic

Our bodies haven’t evolved to take in this much information. For most human history, we only knew what was happening in our family, in our tribe, in our community, in… Continue reading Why Social Media Creates Chronic Dysregulation?

Middle Life Crisis

I feel I might have skipped my middle life crisis probably all thanks to my super rebellious nature in my 20’s: Leaving home, leaving my home town and soon after… Continue reading Middle Life Crisis

Ghosting – Dysfunctional Relational Pattern ( Emotional Abuse )

Ghosting is a dysfunctional relationship behavior at best, severely emotionally abusive at worst. People who ghost do not know how to handle discomfort. The second that even the potential of… Continue reading Ghosting – Dysfunctional Relational Pattern ( Emotional Abuse )

Intuitive Energy Reading / Chanelling – My New FB Page: White Witch

Angelica Horvatic

Over twenty years ago I was for the first time told I am a natural healer, an intuitive with a strong psychic abilities which I’ll be using in guiding people… Continue reading Intuitive Energy Reading / Chanelling – My New FB Page: White Witch

Shadow Work: Coming Up Against The Human Ego

Angelica Horvatic

As much as I love my job, there are some days in my work when I wish I would flip burgers for living, instead of confronting people with their ego,… Continue reading Shadow Work: Coming Up Against The Human Ego