Angelica Horvatic

What’s Your Morning Ritual?



Moving to my new home in Perth, I recently discovered I haven’t had a ‘stable and permanent’ home for almost four years.


It’s been a beautiful, super rich, fulfilling and intense adventure traveling around the world, learning about new cultures and way of living, new languages and all sorts of different cultural quirks.


I got better at making myself at home on exciting new continents, many different countries, cities, towns, villages, houses, apartments… I got so used to new sceneries, sounds, smells, energies, people, flora and fauna of the new places…


I became an expert in ‘settling down’ in new places – even if just for a few hours, days, weeks or months… I called home any place I would unpack my bags in.


I also became even more resourceful in connecting with ‘strangers’ and making friends – here and now 😊


What I realized by finally unpacking my bags in the place where I now want to stay, live and settle, is that ( very ) deep inside I was actually very unsettled and I didn’t feel safe for all these years. When I say deep, I mean so deep I wasn’t even consciously aware of it, I was too busy with my exciting globetrotting!


What I missed the most in all these past years were my regular morning rituals, done each day in the same place.


It felt so amazing moving back to the ocean, this time ( hopefully 😉 ) permanently, where I can do my regular morning barefoot beach walks, runs, swims, yoga, meditations, breathing exercises, journaling, art making, laughing, singing, dancing, and so on….


It feels amazing coming back to my early bird routine again, waking up before the sunrise and heading to the beach, having my phone off until I start with my working day, many hours later. It feels so self loving and self caring to fill my own cup first and attend to everyone else after. Messages, emails, phone calls, social media can wait…!


What do you need to do every morning – just for you?


What’s your morning ( or daily ) ritual?


If you don’t have it – what’s stopping you?


In ideal scenario, how would you like to start your day?


Conquer your mountain!

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