Angelica Horvatic

Choose Love, Not Fear

A week ago I have decided to go on a four day hiking&camping trip on my own.


The first thing my husband said was: “Alone?”
“Are you sure?”
“I don’t know if it’s safe?”
“Won’t you be scared?”


Just over a year ago my husband did the same trek alone and was admired by me and others:
“Oh sooo cool you are going on Cape to Cape hike alone!”
“You’ll have a blast!”
“Nothing like a peace and quiet in the nature, ENJOY your adventure!”


Like many people around the world, I have been feeling Loads of fear, especially over the last months.


Collectively we have gone through some horrible political decisions, natural disasters, from raging fires to the floods and so on, a serous air pollution in many parts of the world, a current corona virus madness…. List goes on and on…


Fear is everywhere we turn.


All of us human beings experience it on some level.


But fear is so much closer to us women as it’s a part of our biology, something we live with every minute of our day, whether we are consciously aware of it or not.


Over the last couple of days I had to to sit and have a deep and long conversation with myself.


Am I afraid?
Should I be afraid?
What could happen to me?
What am I feeling about it all?
Is it ok for me to go?
Do I still want to do it?
What does my heart desire?


And after some contemplation, I have decided to GO 👣


More I was feeling into it, more I felt it was something I got to do, if only just to overcome my fear.


And as I have already previously done that an amaaaaziing trek along the stunning southwest coast of Western Australia, it was easier to make that decision 😍🙏


The only difference now is that I will be walking it alone. And most probably I won’t even be alone as there will be other hikers on the route.


So apart of being deeply meditative and healing for me, this hike might also be a great opportunity to meet new people, which is something I love to do, especially likeminded people who appreciate nature and its incredible and super valuable healing that nature brings to our soul. 🍀🌸🌊


With regards to my own fear, it did help having started facing my fears earlier in life.


It also helped that for two decades I have already travelled, moved and lived around the world ALONE quite a few times before.


It also helps I have actually already experienced hiking and camping on my own.



But what helped me the most in making my decision about this trip is that I LOVE nature, and also being in my own company.


I love to feel being a part of the nature.


I AM nature.

I am love.

And because of all that – I feel SAFE.


And as the saying goes – where there is love, there can’t be fear.


My dear sisters – what are you most afraid of?


What is something you dream of and don’t do ( just ) because you are afraid, or because others are afraid ‘for you’?


What is something your heart wants to be, have and do?


I am off to Cape to Cape on my super exciting solo woman adventure in a few minutes 😃🥰🙏


I would like to wish us all to feel and practice choosing LOVE.


Conquer your fears my beautiful sisters – conquer your mountain!


Much love, peace and blessings 🙌💓🍀👣🌊🌸🙏🥰