Angelica Horvatic

Explore Your Core Values – Tap Into Your Inner Potential

Our ( core ) values define who We Are. They make our inner POTENTIAL.


Our values don’t change much since our childhood, but we learn to suppress and deny them, conforming to our family / school / church / work / system beliefs.



How to find your life’s direction, unlock your potential, live your purpose, feel on fire, joyous, ALIVE?


1. Define what your potential / values are


2. Define which of your values haven’t been met and why


3. Define your negative core beliefs


3. Dive DEEP into the root cause of your core negative imprint


4. Write down daily&weekly&monthly&yearly to do’s which you are committing to do, in order to live your values, your purpose


5. Action Time: DO the written actions


Conquer your mountain!

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