Angelica Horvatic

Stop Saying: I Stay For The Kids

Few people talk about the damage that comes from growing up with parents who stayed together and cannot stand each other.

Few people talk about the damage that comes from growing up with a skewed perception of love…

Staying in unhealthy or toxic situations doesn’t help children.

It teaches them it’s a normal part of relationships.

It teaches them disrespect is a normal part of relationships.

Sometimes the most powerful thing a child can witness is a parent walking away. Putting their foot down. Choosing themselves.
Children learn: If I need to, I can choose me, too.
It’s permission to seek what’s healthy and leave what’s not.

Staying for the kids can be one of the most damaging things someone can grow up seeing.
Sometimes, leaving for the kids is a courageous act. And it often goes unnoticed.

~ Nicole Lepera

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