Angelica Horvatic

Keys of My House

I am pinching myself in disbelief, holding these two keys in my hand. 

My life long dream has come true. I have built a house. I have my HOME.

When I look back, I see a skinny little girl who has spent her early childhood in orphanage and foster care. 

A homeless, powerless, scared, helpless, abandoned, sad, lonely, bullied, poor, hungry orphan.

A little girl whose childhood was mostly abuse and struggle. 

And now, forty years later, that little girl who has seen the world, had money and then lost it, made it again, lost it again, has finally managed to save enough to built her dream house. 

To all my beautiful friends, to my soul family around the world – who believed in me and my dreams all these years and emotionally supported me through the toughest times – THANK YOU.

To all my dear worldwide clients from 20 years ago until today who have trusted me to work with – THANK YOU.

To my amazing working team from the house design to the build – THANK YOU.

To my beautiful and awesome partner who is the most selfless, generous, loving, caring, supportive, understanding, accepting and patient man I could ever wish for – THANK YOU.

There is something so divine, so super magical, special, strong and powerful in this set of house keys. 

And that’s the beautiful Energy of LOVE of all the people mentioned here ( and the ones I forgot ). 

Without all of you that little orphan girl from the beginning of this story could never make this dream happen. 

Love, Gratitude and Blessings to you all.

Hope to see you soon in my new home!