Angelica Horvatic

Worldwide Trauma Recovery Practitioner

Happy New Year

My dearest soul family,


At the end of another year, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for having you in my life.


THANK YOU so much for your time and energy invested in a deep self work.


THANK YOU for your commitment to resolving your past wounds and becoming better humans.


THANK YOU for your trust in opening up and for your beautiful, brave vulnerability you keep showing whilst working with me, individually and in the groups.


THANK YOU for allowing me to help you in some of the most difficult times of your life.


THANK YOU for teaching me so many valuable lessons during our interactions.


THANK YOU also for your ongoing support through my social media platforms.


I am wishing you all a beautiful and peaceful Christmas and New Year.



May 2020 be a year in which we continue to practice embracing all our emotions, positive and ‘negative’.


May 2020 bring a much needed peace to our hearts and a beautiful, soft vulnerability to our souls.


May we keep feeling, following, practicing and embracing LOVE.




Conquer your mountain!