Angelica Horvatic

Worldwide Trauma Recovery Practitioner

What’s Your Biggest Gift?

It took me 30+ years to be able to understand this quote and LIVE it.

For many years I have struggled with the low self-esteem, weight gain, extreme physical and emotional pain, sugar addiction, depression, panic attacks, insomnia, isolation, loneliness, abandonment, anger bursts, AND so on……………………………………………………………………………

Once I understood, admitted and accepted my struggles, once I committed to my own healing, my life has absolutely – TRANSFORMED.

Unbelievably – I ‘suddenly’ became a teacher, a coach, a mentor, a role model and a healer for others – for everything I myself struggled with…

My work and my Life started to have a MEANING once I myself began using my biggest life challenges as my biggest gifts – once I started Living my Soul Purpose.

WHAT is your biggest Struggle in life?
HOW can you turn it into your biggest Blessing?
WHEN would you like to start living your Purpose?

Conquer Your Mountain!