Angelica Horvatic

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WELLNESS MASTERMIND: With the S.M.A.R.T goals into smarter 2015!

December 30, 2015

WELLNESS MASTERMIND: With the S.M.A.R.T goals into smarter 2015!

So it’s that time of the year again… It’s time to look over the past year, accept all the learnings and get ready for the upcoming new year!Are you tired of making New Years resolutions year after year and giving up few weeks or months later?What is that you want to achieve in 2015. and years after that one?What areas of your life need improving? What do you need to STOP doing and what new habits you have to install? How to set goals, stick by them and achieve them? Why are some people high achievers and others are less proactive and very often don’t get what they say they want? What is stoping you of having the health and body you like, money you need, house you want, partner of your dreams? What is your purpose in life? Get answers on these and many other questions in our workshop on Monday 15th of December! In the real festive spirit – this workshop is my treat to you 🙂 There will be also a chance to win a free NLP coaching session, so don’t miss it! Feel free to invite your friends, spouses, family members, your work colleagues… Everyone interested to attend the workshop must send an email to: [email protected] so I can provide you with the directions to our secret meeting place! Ho ho ho, see you soon! 🙂


December 30, 2015