Angelica Horvatic

Worldwide Trauma Recovery Practitioner

Get Out Of the War Zone First

I might have ‘mentioned’ this already but after my last session with the client, I feel a need to say it again: Healing yourself – when you are in the… Continue reading Get Out Of the War Zone First

You are NOT “Crazy”

beauty girl cry

I’m SO glad to see more and more people seeking help with their “mental health”. The bullies ( those “without a problem” ) are NOT so cool anymore as we’re… Continue reading You are NOT “Crazy”

GoodBye 2016 – and THANK YOU!

2016. has, by far, been the most Interesting Year for me in last 18 years. A year of beautiful big highs and deep dark lows, with loads of severe thunderstorms… Continue reading GoodBye 2016 – and THANK YOU!

Life is a One Big Sabbatical

After 2.5 months of feeling right at home on Pashman, tomorrow morning I will be waving goodbye to this gorgeous island, all the glorious nature and its beautiful people… Don’t… Continue reading Life is a One Big Sabbatical

Is The Silence a Relationship Killer?

While SILENCE can be golden, it is also – a Real Relationship KILLER. Very often silence leads to misunderstandings, resentment, despair, depression… Verbal communication is EXTREMELY important in our daily… Continue reading Is The Silence a Relationship Killer?